weight loss

Watch How Much Sugar We Eat

Exciting, Fall is here!  Fall is without a doubt my favorite season of the year. Great food, gatherings, playoff baseball and of course tons and tons of football.  But now that the holiday season is about to begin, we want to be sure that we watch how much sugar we eat daily. Real weight loss only happens when we reduce the amounts of sugars we eat. Now when I say sugars, I don't mean to eliminate all of your carbohydrates. You need carbohydrates but the ones that have fiber, ike sweet potatoes, brown rice, veggies, oats and certain fruits - apples are great to snack on all day. McIntosh are my favorite!

Sugars that we want to eliminate or cut back on are sweets, candies, white starches, dairy - yes dairy and all the other hidden sugars that are in foods that you would never think to see.

Foods products that say multi-grain on them or chips and crackers that mentioned "high in fiber", still have sugar.  It does not mean you can't eat them?  But what it does mean is that if you are eating a lot of protein bars, high fiber crackers and treating yours self to sweets, then you are eating a lot of sugar.  Cut bad sugars out, and you lose weight.

Sugars that are hidden in your foods:

  • Dextrose
  • Fructose
  • Diastic malt
  • Ethyl maltol
  • Diatase
  • Maltodextrin
  • Lactose
  • Glycerol
  • Muscovado
  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Cane sugar

Recently, I had a few of my clients go on a very low sugar diet but with unlimited amount of quality carbohydrates and we were able to create amazing results.

  • David - 15lbs,
  • Justin S - 11lbs,
  • Amanda B - 5lb,
  • Josh S - 20lbs

And as Josh says it:    "Within 6 months I achieved my weight goal of 190 lbs from 220 lbs however more importantly I had the energy to get back doing the things I had loved doing"

This is how I do it.

  • Breakfast: Two eggs with 10 to 12 nuts, sometimes I will through a 1/4 of avocado in.
  • Snack: Apple
  • Lunch - A protein with a salad or a multi- grain sandwich with a piece of fruit.  I usually have a banana. And we know why we want a banana right post workout right?  Click here if you forgot.
  • Snack: Apple and cashews - 10 to 15 or an apple with almond or cashew butter
  • Dinner:   Steak or fish, salad with olive oil based type salad dressing and brown rice or sweet potatoe.
  • Post dinner snack if I am still hungry - apple or a Greek yogurt.

 Is Sugar Toxic?

Click here for my surprise recipe!    "Train hard and eat clean!"

What About Meat?

What About Meat? 

There are a lot of nutrients found in organic, lean red meat that are beneficial in losing weight, fighting depression and strengthening of the immune system.

●      Supplies Protein: The protein you get from red meat contains all the amino acids necessary to build muscle and repair tissue. Protein has also been linked to weight loss, since it satisfies hunger and keeps you satisfied for hours following your meal.

●      High Levels of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): CLA is a fat naturally present in grass fed animals.  CLA content is 300% - 400% higher in grass fed animals than in grain fed animals.  Ongoing research studies suggest a link between CLA and losing body fat and gaining lean muscle. These benefits have been noted though only after eating grass fed beef and not by taking supplements.

●      According to an Australian study, women consuming less than the recommended amount of red meat were twice as likely to have a diagnosed depressive or anxiety disorder as those consuming more than the recommended amount. Eating very high amounts of red meat was also associated with increased rates of depression. The researchers suggest a moderate amount of lean red meat-about three to four 6-8 ounce servings per week-may actually be important for mental health.

●      Meat from grass-fed animals has two to four times more omega-3 fatty acids than meat from grain- fed animals. People with a diet rich in omega-3s are less likely to suffer from depression, schizophrenia, attention deficit disorder (hyperactivity), or Alzheimer's disease.

●      Natural Beta Carotene - The Beta Carotene in this type of beef aids the body in Vitamin A production and protecting immune system responses.


 There are valuable nutrients found in red meat that are difficult to find in other foods to the same level found in red meat.

●      Iron: Lean red meat supplies a good amount of iron, depending on the cut of the meat, and contains a form of iron more easily absorbed than the iron in plant-based foods.

●      Zinc: Zinc is an essential mineral that is an imperative part of many physiological functions, including structure in certain proteins and enzymes, and regulation of gene expression.

●      B Vitamins: Lean red meat contains B-12 for a healthy nervous system and B-6 for a strong immune system. Red meat also contains niacin, another B vitamin that aids in digestion, as well as riboflavin for healthy skin and eyes.

Low Glycemic Index fruits that are best to eat!

What about fruits?  Fruits contain tons of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, but you have to be very careful not to over-eat them or too many of the high-glycemic ones which tend to be your tropical fruits like bananas, papaya, mango, raisins and pineapple.  Eating too many of the wrong type of fruits can sabotage your weight loss.

Choose fruits like fresh cherries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, pears, plums, apples, oranges and peaches. But EAT SLOWLY. The fruits you want to be careful of the very tropical fruits like bananas, raisins, kiwis, papayas, pineapples, mango, in addition avoid dried fruits. Eat them sparingly.  And always eliminate drinking fruit juice as a choice of beverage. Yes it is healthy in some regards but juice has as much sugar and calories as a soda.

The best fruits to eat and that will help you lose body fat fast are fruit that are low glycemic index fruits. The fastest way to always lose weight is to eat foods that are low on the glycemic index and fruit is no exception. A lot of times people will eat too much fruit and make the excuse that it's fruit, it's healthy for you, yes but just like everything else, too much of a anything is not good. Yes,fruit is good for you but like anything else especial when trying to lose fat fast, you have to keep it in moderation.

The fruits below are the fruit that are high in anti-oxidants but are low on the glycemic index as well.


Summer Low Glycemic Index Desserts

When you are trying to lose weight and switch to a lower glycemic index type diet, i.e Paleo,  you get cravings for sweets which is normal.  The body is realizing that it is losing calories so it craves sugar to compensate.  Here are some great antioxidants and low sugar desserts to help satisfy your sweet tooth. Chocolate covered Almonds instead of sweets but least 70% cocoa.